Sunday, February 1, 2009

First weekend in a Strange Land...

So I finally made it to Cusco! There was a lot of moving around, and I should have had Angus check the necessity of several things I thought to be important... By the fifth taxi ride in thirty minutes it was comical all the bags i had!  Ridiculous... Oh well, at least now someone will have a whole bunch of ankle socks they might not have had before. Granted that wasn't totally my fault because I was going to bring New Balance sneakers... 
Anyway, my apartment is really cool, it even comes with a washing machine!!!! The small luxuries you take for granted.  Here are the pictures of my view between the windows in my room and the living room window.


The walk is about twenty minutes from Avenida del Sol, where Maximo Nivel is, and thanks to altitude sickness only a 2.5 soles taxi ride or 50 centavos bus ride on the Columbia route.  The Landlady, Zul was very nice and walked me around, so as long as I am paying attention to the roads I know my way to the Avenida del Sol, earlier today I missed a turn and had to back track a little bit, however I think the way I was going could have worked out, I don't really have the energy to tack on extra steps.  I do need to find a map though, just for reference. The altitude has knocked me on my tooshie, so there hasn't been too much exploring, and unfortunately I am too clumsy to feel comfortable using my camera on the streets just yet, so there are limited pictures, but there are a lot of incredible views, SO MUCH GREENERY!  and there are small gardens along every intersection or in the middle of wide streets. Also, parallel parking is done in the middle of the street, inbetween the lanes. Not by the sidewalk. Crossing the street is a bit of a sport, since cars don't break. However I have brought some of my two day New York attitude to the table and consequently almost been run over a couple of times... But I am still here. One last little gem before I go:

This is what not taking your altitude can do. Enjoy.
This also is the reason my gums are polished like diamonds!  There are many health benefits to coca leaves.  It's a shame cocaine gives such a bad rap to coca. But don't worry I think of everyone in the US who is missing out with each favor infused swallow, be it tea or chewing, i partake...

Now I'm off to turn that possessed drool into a two thumbs up smile with some galavanting! Maybe I'll grow some balls and take some pictures!



Judy Conover said...

Wow - Do you look like you're having fun now!!!!! - Love you

'Goose said...

That third view is pole-climbers nightmare, it may present some good bird-watching though. I hates me some pole climbin' and I luvs me some bird-watchin'! I'm not sure how I feel about that third view. Lots of Love

Target said...

Target sells hand held fog horns. Target is worried about your safety crossing streets. Target loves you.

Waboose said...


Heather Weather said...